pov: interactive film festival

PoV: Interactive Film Festival is a conceptual project for Tekniska Museet's Wisdome. Wisdome is a spherical, 360, projector. The Wisdome was originally created for visualising in a scientific context, but during later years its purposes has expanded into the art world. Tekniska Museet, a museum for tech, uses its Wisdome for showing the visualisation of tech and the projector it self. 

PoV is a festival meant to attract more young adult to Tekniska Museet; whose visitors today are mostly families and children.  

pov: a social media trend
On TikTok a trend emerged where users made videos telling stories from different point of views. Different characters, scenes, contexts...

The acronym "PoV" stands for "point of view", indicating who the video is about or who the main character is. 

We wanted to explore this in the festival.
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example of dome projection

interactive film

Inside the dome viewings of visual art and interactive films are scheduled, an experience for creators and art lovers. 

Tekniska Museet has had a mini workshop where creators got to learn how to create for the Wisdome's 360 format. We want to continue this. Invite different creators to create in a workshop under the theme "PoV: Point of View".  Music, art, animation, game designers, and different artistic expressions mix for the dome's art scene. In the end of the bootcamp Tekniska Museet opens up to the public to celebrate the creatives' work. The filmfestival can start.

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projectors, fisheye, and the wooden hall encasing the Wisdome at Tekniska Museet

the waiting time

The films inside the dome are scheduled. And who doesn't hate waiting for something to start?

Therefore the hall outside will be just as important as inside the globe. Afterall, the wooden hall and wooden sphere encasing the dome is a architectural spectacle that has to be highlighted. 

Apart from drinks and music the hall will be filled with art installations. Different "camera spots" are placed around the room. A clear area where you step into the view of a camera lens and become projected onto the dome itself or other spots around the room. The cameras will be placed in weird angles and use a fisheye lens to distort the footage. 

The Camera Spots will let the guets interact and create temporary videos themselves, exploring diffrent points of views and perspectives. Their own, others, and the cameras themselves. 

poster and perspective

I wanted to create a poster that you got stuck in. Almost not too easy to read, which makes you wait, look again, and wonder: whet even is that? Playing with the logotype and the perspective of the letters and the eye looking through.

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optical illusion poster: anamorph

Again. Playing with perspective! Here I wanted to explore optical illusions and making something truly physical. A anamorph is an optical illusion that displays two pictures, depending on from where you look at it. Commonly seen in holographic postcards. 

merch & applications

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coffee stamps, served at the festival

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holographic cards of guests, taken in a camera spot


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